Reseller web hosting is an excellent business in today’s world to make a good profit with minimal upfront investment. However, if you are new to this field and do not know about reseller hosting and how it works, then you are at the right place.
Here, you will learn what reseller hosting is and what steps you need to take to provide the best web hosting services to your clients. So, let’s get started!
What is Reseller Web Hosting?
Reseller web hosting is a service where a reseller buys hosting packages in bulk and re-sells them to their customers. The merchant company you buy your packages from provides all the necessary hardware, software and general infrastructure to host the customer’s website.
How Does Reseller Web Hosting Work?
In reseller web hosting, the goal is to profit by selling your purchased reseller hosting plans to target customers. It mostly “works” on a wholesale basis, where some providers may charge a flat monthly fee for services or on a pay-as-you-go basis. The reseller packages you buy cost way less than the standard rate charged for web hosting plans/services.
However, starting a reseller hosting business is more complex than it seems; several steps need to be planned and executed.
How Does Reseller Hosting Work? – A Step by Step Breakdown
- Create a Business Plan
The first step in any business is to create a plan of execution. To provide the best reseller hosting services, you need to create a business plan that documents crucial elements like the business goal, budget, selling price and other guiding factors.
While you are in the planning stage, make sure to identify your ideal customers. You can do this by survey. Moreover, decide on your prices and the level of customer support you want to offer.
- Select the Reseller Host
Choosing the right hosting company is the most crucial step in making a reseller web hosting business a successful venture. You need to choose a relevant host that provides reliable products and services.
To make the right decision while choosing the hosting company, look for features like storage and bandwidth in the plan according to the client’s needs, whether there is a dedicated dashboard to manage hosting plans, and whether the hosting company provides good customer service.
- Setting Up Hosting Packages
After purchasing the hosting plan, you need to set up the packages. But before you do that, it is recommended that you take time to understand the hosting packages and their features.
Then, you should set up other services you will be offering to customers. For example, if you decide on managed hosting services, you might have to configure automatic updates and backups.
It is also essential to select a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. A CRM platform will assist your customer service and marketing efforts from a centralised hub.
After you have configured your hosting packages, the next step is to offer them to customers.
- Labelling and Marketing
Most providers offer white-label reseller hosting, which lets you resell hosting services under your company branding. So, you’ll need to customise the plans to fit your existing brand identity.
Now, the final task is to sell the hosting packages to your clients. To sell your web hosting services to the ideal client, you need to inform them about the packages and their features. That is why marketing is used. You can use various marketing channels, like sending promotional emails, promoting on social media, running Google Ads, etc.
Summing Up
Starting a reseller web hosting business is affordable and profitable if done right. After reading the article, you should have a good understanding of what reseller web hosting is and how it works.